Depending on the user's needs, this Web Page should be considered an alternative to the main Web Page. While there are several advantages to this page, there are also limitations. Both will be summarized below. Users must always remember that neither these precalculated opacity tables or data from the main Opacity Web Page contain any molecular species in the equation of state or any molecular cross sections in the opacity calculations. Users must provide their own tables below 12,000 oK if they wish to include these important molecular contributions. Users also need to remember that all of the equation of state calculations are done in local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE).
ADVANTAGES 1. Rosseland opacity tables may be obtained for a large number of complex mixtures in a fraction of the time and effort it would take to calculate the same data on the main web page. 2. The tables are given in terms of oK and R, which are more standard parameters for astrophysical modeling than temperatures in keV and densities in gm/cc. R input is not an option on the main web page at present, but may be added in the future. LIMITATIONS 1. Users can not create new mixtures. 2. Thera are no Planck opacities, frequency dependent opacities or average ionization tables for the astrophysical mixtures. 3. The R grid is fixed and can not be chosen by the user in the way that the density grid can be chosen on the main opacity web page. This means that the user can select a sub grid of the R's, but can not obtain a more detailed grid or points outside of the given R range.
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